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Classic Era GDKP Even Split Calculation Sheets Even Split + All Items + Drop Down Menu + Deductions

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Johannes GDKP Automation Even Split Sheets That He Uses Weekly To Host Successful GDKP raids.
Classic Era GDKP Even Split Calculation Sheets Even Split + All Items + Drop Down Menu + Deductions.
It also gives players the option to spend the cut in your run just note it down.

Includes 5x GDKP Sheets:
AQ 40 Sheet
AQ 40+ BWL + Binding Sheet
Naxx Sheet
ZG/AQ 20/Onyxia Sheet

What Does This Sheet Do Johannes?
It calculates the pot for you, give someone else access to the sheet and let them fill it in for you.
Crosscheck it with TSM addon if everything went correct then give out the splits.
Total Before Run > Add Pot To It > Correct?
(Check If You Bought Supplies/Got Payed Another Acc/Someone Used Cut If Does Not Add up)
You can put the amount of players in the sheet it will calculate how much you need to give out to each person after your host fee.
if one player misbehaved and got a deduction it auto calculates that and gives it to the rest.
Deducted players do not get from other deducted players.

One joins just joins BWL and sits out for MC you can keep it 40/40 and then send them both the different cuts.
Another is saved for binding run you put 36 there for example and 40 on the aq40+bwl auto calculates again.

Dropdown Menu:
Every boss has a drop down menu of items so its click, click put in the amount it sold for and then the name.

Tips Using Sheets
You make a copy of the Master loot sheet before.
Then put in the date and then start filling it in when the items drop.
This gives your GDKP runs a history of good runs.
Players can check how much items go for.
Pay more then 40 players, lets say 2 players are deducted 30% but you need 2 healers to help out.
Add up the difference and give those 2 players that then remove the deductions on the other two.
Trust someone to fill it in correctly.
If he/she makes a mistake its on both of you as that person gets a masterloot fee at end.

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5 Handmade Even Split Spreadsheets For All Classic Era Raids So You Can Start Hosting GDKP

AQ 40-BWL+MC-Naxx-Ony+ZG+AQ 20
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Classic Era GDKP Even Split Calculation Sheets Even Split + All Items + Drop Down Menu + Deductions

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